Raul D. Villarreal, CE, CES, LHI, LMS. IEE
Owner & On-Ste Manager
With a background in Civil Engineering, Mr. Villarreal commenced his career in 1988 as a home inspector in Rockville, MD. By also pursuing land survey, radon, lead paint, WDO, mold and asbestos abatement credentials, in 1994 he was awarded HUD contracts to perform Phase I & II ESAs, and Phase III remediation, converting his trade into a full-scale environmental practice.
Indoor mold growth & HVAC contamination issues emerging awareness at the time led him to develop a 24/7 mold & HVAC systems detoxification firm serving the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. In 1994 his firm became eligible for (SBA 8a) assignments, increasing his clientele portfolio to include Government and institutional clients such as DOE, NASA, NSA & DOD, schools, hospitals and high-profile sites.
Numerous assignments awarded by NSA’s Chemical & Biological National Security Program granted his firm full access to its program’s latest research, diagnostics & countermeasure technologies as well as novel SNL detoxification formulas, placing his firm at the technical forefront of the applied biosafety arena.
Mr. Villarreal moved to Naples, FL in 2009, time at which he founded Aalpha Services, LLC; a fully licensed and insured home & mold inspection, testing and remediation company serving Florida’s Southwest and Tampa Bay areas. His long-term bio-hazards management knowledge base, hands-on experience and access to revolutionary ambient detoxification technologies and novel formulas combo has perfected his microbials abatement technique to the point that even the toughest infections can be safely and effectively eliminated beforehand.