Building envelope performance is vital for energy efficiency as well as occupant’s safety & comfort. The benefits of quickly diagnosing typically concealed electrical, plumbing, insulation voids, storm drainage, moisture intrusion or structural defects without tampering with the building’s structure cannot be overstated. Thermal imaging, or Infrared (IR) Inspection makes this possible with astonishing speed and accuracy and is now being recognized as the most effective & least intrusive building diagnosis procedure.
Management teams and homeowners now use it to make decisions involving capital improvements with the knowledge that the work performed will, in fact, correct a problem, reduce insurance premiums based on lower risk potential or be used as a price-negotiating tool for property acquisitions.
Mold has closed public schools, apartment buildings, homes and caused companies to spend millions of dollars on environmental tests and remediation, mostly due to hidden roof leaks. Infrared roof inspections are performed most effectively after sunset, when the roof gives off its heat energy accumulated during the day. The heat capacity of moisture-soaked roof insulation is greater than that of dry insulation, which appears quite clearly when performing an infrared scan.
Likewise, it is possible to detect moisture located behind interior walls. Temperature differences created by the presence of moisture on inner surfaces will appear differently than surrounding areas in an infrared camera screen. Thus, Infrared inspection is a fast and reliable method to discover hidden moisture intrusions, and can easily pinpoint areas where mold may develop.
Abnormal heating associated with high electrical resistance or excessive current flow is the main cause of many critical safety and/or productivity issues before conventional detection and may also cause premature equipment failure due to power drain overloads. Infrared Imaging can provide true payback benefits detecting “hot spots” or poor electrical connections by allowing us to see these otherwise invisible thermal signatures long before damage occurs. Furthermore, to stay in compliance with NFPA 70B, it is now mandatory that all electrical equipment be inspected using infrared thermography at least every 12 months.
Air leakage is the passage of air through a building envelope, wall, window, joint, etc. Excessive air movement reduces thermal integrity and is therefore a major contributor to energy consumption in a building. In addition to energy loss, air leaks can cause condensation to form inside wall cavities, reducing insulation R-value, and may seriously rot wood, corrode metals, and in extreme cases cause concrete to spall, bricks to separate and mortar to crumble, jeopardizing the safety of occupants. With the use of pressure differential and infrared cameras, one can identify thermal irregularities on the building envelope and the leakage pattern, discerning whether the pattern indicates a problem with insulation, air leakage or the building structure itself.
Our Energy Audit Service helps you assessing and resolving a variety of issues, such as stack effect, subsurface plumbing and HVAC ductwork leaks, problems of workmanship & materials, erratic power consumption/energy use patterns and more, providing detailed information that reduces costs during the planning stages of your project.
Infrared Inspections can also help plan for capital expenditures and verify needed improvements so that costly mistakes are not made while correcting deterioration, or making corrective actions. This documentation is very valuable when requesting a follow-up inspection for warranty purposes, so contact Aalpha today for a Building Envelope IR Scan!